Talking Machine Forum (2024)

1. The Talking Machine Forum — For All Antique Phonographs ...

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2. Antique Phonograph Society Forum

  • The official Antique Phonograph Society discussion forum, an online community for talking machine & record collectors, historians, and enthusiasts.

3. Antique Talking Machines: Home

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4. What's Up with the Talking Machine Forum

5. The Talking Machine Forum - Facebook

  • The Talking Machine Forum is an on-line discussion group for fans and collectors of mechanical phonographs, 78rpm recordings & the music of the

  • See posts, photos and more on Facebook.

6. The Talking Machine forum - sign-up problems - Antique Radios

  • 10 mei 2015 · Web search turns up a Talking Machine Forum that appears to have a good bit of traffic and a few postings on this little phonograph. So I try to ...

  • I have had a little acoustic phonograph called the Brunswick Parisian.... This has a folding paper cone (mine is missing) and I would like to make a replica.…

7. Victor talking machine questions - Antique Radio Forums

8. MEDICA | Trade Fair for Medical Technology & Healthcare ...

  • MEDICA gathers international exhibitors of medical imaging, health IT, laboratory equipment, diagnostics & more. ▻ Experience the latest medical ...

  • International trade fair for medical technology, imaging, health-IT, hospital and surgery equipment, laboratory equipment, diagnostics, physiotherapy and medical consumables and disposables. Düsseldorf, 11 - 14 November 2024.

9. Highlights report - Young LEADER Forum - EU CAP Network

  • 3 dagen geleden · Agriculture manager and farmer meeting, talking and discussing ... This is a machine translation provided by the European Commission's ...

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Talking Machine Forum (2024)


What is a talking machine What do we call it today? ›

talking machine in American English

a phonograph.

How does a talking machine work? ›

The valves which supply the air to the pipes are driven by a computer. The machine has a vocabulary of a few hundred words in English. The visitor can enter sentences using these words and the machine will speak them: eg. "How I want a cigarette" (delivered in a monotone; all the pipes are tuned to the same pitch).

Who invented the first talking machine? ›

Inventing the Talking Machine

In 1877, Thomas Edison invented the first instrument to ever record and play back sound. The phonograph, also known as the talking machine, captured soundwaves with a mouthpiece and caused a stylus attached to a vibrating diaphragm to move up and down.

What is an ediPhone? ›

Dictaphones and Ediphones were sound recording devices used for efficient oral dictation in business settings. When Edison invented the phonograph, one proposed use was "dictation without the aid of stenographers." Its tinfoil playback medium lacked quality, however.

What is the machine for people with no voice? ›

An electrolarynx is a battery operated machine that produces sound for you to create a voice. After surgery to remove the whole of your voice box (total laryngectomy), you are no longer able to speak in the normal way. But there are different ways you can communicate and learn to speak again.

How much does a speech generating device cost? ›

Speech-generating devices typically cost around $15,000. Medicare will cover 80% of the cost. The remaining 20% should be covered by Medicaid and private insurance. If you don't have Medicaid and/or private insurance, you may have a co-pay.

What is the talking machine for disabled people? ›

The speaking machines for disabled people are more appropriately called Speech Generation Devices (SGD) or Voice Output Communication Aids (VOCA). They are part of what we call Alternative and Augmented Communication (AAC) tools.

What is a talking machine? ›

This crude machine was hand operated and was named the Phonograph (meaning Voice-writer). To record sound the operator spoke loudly into the mouth piece. The sound waves were embossed by a stylus on a sheet of soft tin foil wrapped around a revolving cylinder.

What is the difference between a phonograph and a gramophone? ›

A phonograph, later called a gramophone (as a trademark since 1887, as a generic name in the UK since 1910), and since the 1940s a record player, or more recently a turntable, is a device for the mechanical and analogue reproduction of recorded sound.

What are the different types of phonograph? ›

There were two main types of phonograph: cylindrical and disk. Early phonographs used a rotating cylinder. Recordings made on a cylinder maintained a constant velocity.

How does a gramophone work? ›

A stylus—in more familiar terms, a record needle—attached to the diaphragm transfers the vibrations and cuts the shape of the soundwave into a recording medium (like the tinfoil on the cylinder of the replica of Edison's first phonograph shown above) Running the stylus back over the cut groove reproduces the sound.


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Name: Amb. Frankie Simonis

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Introduction: My name is Amb. Frankie Simonis, I am a hilarious, enchanting, energetic, cooperative, innocent, cute, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.