Providence/Stoughton Line | Commuter Rail (2024)


Train 800 800 Train 860 860 Train 802 802 Train 862 862 Train 804 804 Train 806 806 Train 864 864 Train 808 808 Train 810 810 Train 866 866 Train 812 812 Train 868 868 Train 814 814 Train 870 870 Train 816 816 Train 872 872 Train 818 818 Train 820 820 Train 874 874 Train 822 822 Train 876 876 Train 824 824 Train 878 878 Train 826 826 Train 880 880 Train 828 828 Train 882 882 Train 830 830 Train 884 884 Train 832 832 Train 886 886 Train 834 834 Train 888 888 Train 836 836 Train 892 892 Train 838 838 Train 840 840

Bicycles Allowed?

Bicycles allowed

Bicycles allowed

Bicycles allowed

Bicycles not allowed

Bicycles not allowed

Bicycles not allowed

Bicycles not allowed

Bicycles not allowed

Bicycles not allowed

Bicycles not allowed

Bicycles not allowed

Bicycles not allowed

Bicycles allowed

Bicycles allowed

Bicycles allowed

Bicycles allowed

Bicycles allowed

Bicycles allowed

Bicycles allowed

Bicycles allowed

Bicycles allowed

Bicycles allowed

Bicycles allowed

Bicycles allowed

Bicycles allowed

Bicycles allowed

Bicycles allowed

Bicycles allowed

Bicycles allowed

Bicycles allowed

Bicycles allowed

Bicycles allowed

Bicycles allowed

Bicycles allowed

Bicycles allowed

Bicycles allowed

Bicycles allowed

Wickford Junction

Parking available

Does not stop at Wickford Junction Does not stop at Wickford Junction Does not stop at Wickford Junction Does not stop at Wickford Junction Does not stop at Wickford Junction 6:02 AM Does not stop at Wickford Junction Does not stop at Wickford Junction 7:02 AM Does not stop at Wickford Junction Does not stop at Wickford Junction Does not stop at Wickford Junction 8:45 AM Does not stop at Wickford Junction Does not stop at Wickford Junction Does not stop at Wickford Junction Does not stop at Wickford Junction 11:35 AM Does not stop at Wickford Junction Does not stop at Wickford Junction Does not stop at Wickford Junction Does not stop at Wickford Junction Does not stop at Wickford Junction 2:25 PM Does not stop at Wickford Junction Does not stop at Wickford Junction Does not stop at Wickford Junction 4:35 PM Does not stop at Wickford Junction Does not stop at Wickford Junction Does not stop at Wickford Junction 6:46 PM Does not stop at Wickford Junction 7:42 PM Does not stop at Wickford Junction Does not stop at Wickford Junction Does not stop at Wickford Junction

TF Green Airport

Parking available

Does not stop at TF Green Airport Does not stop at TF Green Airport Does not stop at TF Green Airport Does not stop at TF Green Airport Does not stop at TF Green Airport 6:16 AM Does not stop at TF Green Airport Does not stop at TF Green Airport 7:16 AM Does not stop at TF Green Airport Does not stop at TF Green Airport Does not stop at TF Green Airport 8:59 AM Does not stop at TF Green Airport Does not stop at TF Green Airport Does not stop at TF Green Airport Does not stop at TF Green Airport 11:49 AM Does not stop at TF Green Airport Does not stop at TF Green Airport Does not stop at TF Green Airport Does not stop at TF Green Airport Does not stop at TF Green Airport 2:39 PM Does not stop at TF Green Airport Does not stop at TF Green Airport Does not stop at TF Green Airport 4:49 PM Does not stop at TF Green Airport Does not stop at TF Green Airport Does not stop at TF Green Airport 7:00 PM Does not stop at TF Green Airport 7:56 PM Does not stop at TF Green Airport Does not stop at TF Green Airport Does not stop at TF Green Airport


Parking available

4:12 AM Does not stop at Providence 5:10 AM Does not stop at Providence 6:00 AM 6:32 AM Does not stop at Providence 7:10 AM 7:32 AM Does not stop at Providence 8:10 AM Does not stop at Providence 9:15 AM Does not stop at Providence 10:15 AM Does not stop at Providence 11:12 AM 12:18 PM Does not stop at Providence 1:15 PM Does not stop at Providence 2:10 PM Does not stop at Providence 2:56 PM Does not stop at Providence 3:56 PM Does not stop at Providence 5:05 PM Does not stop at Providence 6:10 PM Does not stop at Providence 7:16 PM Does not stop at Providence 8:12 PM Does not stop at Providence 10:15 PM 11:25 PM

Pawtucket/​Central Falls

Parking available

Track Change 4:18 AM Does not stop at Pawtucket/Central Falls 5:16 AM Does not stop at Pawtucket/Central Falls Track Change 6:06 AM 6:38 AM Does not stop at Pawtucket/Central Falls Track Change 7:16 AM 7:38 AM Does not stop at Pawtucket/Central Falls 8:16 AM Does not stop at Pawtucket/Central Falls 9:22 AM Does not stop at Pawtucket/Central Falls 10:21 AM Does not stop at Pawtucket/Central Falls 11:18 AM 12:24 PM Does not stop at Pawtucket/Central Falls 1:21 PM Does not stop at Pawtucket/Central Falls 2:16 PM Does not stop at Pawtucket/Central Falls 3:02 PM Does not stop at Pawtucket/Central Falls 4:02 PM Does not stop at Pawtucket/Central Falls 5:11 PM Does not stop at Pawtucket/Central Falls 6:16 PM Does not stop at Pawtucket/Central Falls 7:22 PM Does not stop at Pawtucket/Central Falls 8:18 PM Does not stop at Pawtucket/Central Falls 10:21 PM 11:31 PM

South Attleboro

Parking available

Track Change 4:23 AM Does not stop at South Attleboro Does not stop at South Attleboro Does not stop at South Attleboro Track Change 6:11 AM Does not stop at South Attleboro Does not stop at South Attleboro Track Change 7:21 AM Does not stop at South Attleboro Does not stop at South Attleboro Does not stop at South Attleboro Does not stop at South Attleboro Does not stop at South Attleboro Does not stop at South Attleboro Does not stop at South Attleboro Does not stop at South Attleboro Does not stop at South Attleboro Does not stop at South Attleboro Does not stop at South Attleboro Does not stop at South Attleboro Does not stop at South Attleboro Does not stop at South Attleboro Does not stop at South Attleboro Does not stop at South Attleboro Does not stop at South Attleboro Does not stop at South Attleboro Does not stop at South Attleboro Does not stop at South Attleboro Does not stop at South Attleboro Does not stop at South Attleboro Does not stop at South Attleboro Does not stop at South Attleboro Does not stop at South Attleboro Does not stop at South Attleboro Does not stop at South Attleboro Does not stop at South Attleboro Does not stop at South Attleboro


Parking available

4:34 AM Does not stop at Attleboro 5:29 AM Does not stop at Attleboro 6:22 AM 6:51 AM Does not stop at Attleboro 7:32 AM 7:51 AM Does not stop at Attleboro 8:29 AM Does not stop at Attleboro 9:35 AM Does not stop at Attleboro 10:34 AM Does not stop at Attleboro 11:31 AM 12:37 PM Does not stop at Attleboro 1:34 PM Does not stop at Attleboro 2:30 PM Does not stop at Attleboro 3:15 PM Does not stop at Attleboro 4:18 PM Does not stop at Attleboro 5:24 PM Does not stop at Attleboro 6:29 PM Does not stop at Attleboro 7:35 PM Does not stop at Attleboro 8:31 PM Does not stop at Attleboro 10:34 PM 11:44 PM


Parking available

4:44 AM Does not stop at Mansfield 5:39 AM Does not stop at Mansfield 6:32 AM 7:01 AM Does not stop at Mansfield 7:42 AM 8:01 AM Does not stop at Mansfield 8:42 AM Does not stop at Mansfield 9:45 AM Does not stop at Mansfield 10:44 AM Does not stop at Mansfield 11:43 AM 12:49 PM Does not stop at Mansfield 1:44 PM Does not stop at Mansfield 2:40 PM Does not stop at Mansfield 3:25 PM Does not stop at Mansfield 4:28 PM Does not stop at Mansfield 5:34 PM Does not stop at Mansfield 6:39 PM Does not stop at Mansfield 7:45 PM Does not stop at Mansfield 8:41 PM Does not stop at Mansfield 10:44 PM 11:57 PM


Parking available

4:53 AM Does not stop at Sharon 5:48 AM Does not stop at Sharon 6:41 AM 7:10 AM Does not stop at Sharon 7:51 AM 8:10 AM Does not stop at Sharon 8:51 AM Does not stop at Sharon 9:54 AM Does not stop at Sharon 10:53 AM Does not stop at Sharon 11:52 AM 12:58 PM Does not stop at Sharon 1:53 PM Does not stop at Sharon 2:49 PM Does not stop at Sharon 3:34 PM Does not stop at Sharon 4:37 PM Does not stop at Sharon 5:43 PM Does not stop at Sharon 6:48 PM Does not stop at Sharon 7:54 PM Does not stop at Sharon 8:50 PM Does not stop at Sharon 10:53 PM 12:06 AM


Parking available

Does not stop at Stoughton 5:15 AM Does not stop at Stoughton 6:18 AM Does not stop at Stoughton Does not stop at Stoughton 7:15 AM Does not stop at Stoughton Does not stop at Stoughton 8:12 AM Does not stop at Stoughton 9:15 AM Does not stop at Stoughton 10:15 AM Does not stop at Stoughton 11:20 AM Does not stop at Stoughton Does not stop at Stoughton 1:20 PM Does not stop at Stoughton 2:15 PM Does not stop at Stoughton 3:05 PM Does not stop at Stoughton 4:05 PM Does not stop at Stoughton 5:05 PM Does not stop at Stoughton 6:15 PM Does not stop at Stoughton 7:18 PM Does not stop at Stoughton 8:05 PM Does not stop at Stoughton 9:58 PM Does not stop at Stoughton Does not stop at Stoughton

Canton Center

Parking available

Does not stop at Canton Center 5:22 AM Does not stop at Canton Center 6:25 AM Does not stop at Canton Center Does not stop at Canton Center 7:22 AM Does not stop at Canton Center Does not stop at Canton Center 8:19 AM Does not stop at Canton Center 9:22 AM Does not stop at Canton Center 10:22 AM Does not stop at Canton Center 11:27 AM Does not stop at Canton Center Does not stop at Canton Center 1:27 PM Does not stop at Canton Center 2:22 PM Does not stop at Canton Center 3:12 PM Does not stop at Canton Center 4:12 PM Does not stop at Canton Center 5:12 PM Does not stop at Canton Center 6:22 PM Does not stop at Canton Center 7:25 PM Does not stop at Canton Center 8:12 PM Does not stop at Canton Center 10:05 PM Does not stop at Canton Center Does not stop at Canton Center

Canton Junction

Parking available

Track Change 4:58 AM Track Change 5:25 AM Track Change 5:53 AM Track Change 6:28 AM Track Change 6:46 AM Does not stop at Canton Junction Track Change 7:25 AM Track Change 7:56 AM Does not stop at Canton Junction Track Change 8:22 AM Track Change 8:56 AM Track Change 9:25 AM Track Change 9:59 AM Track Change 10:25 AM Track Change 10:58 AM Track Change 11:30 AM Track Change 11:57 AM Track Change 1:03 PM Track Change 1:30 PM Track Change 1:58 PM Track Change 2:25 PM Does not stop at Canton Junction Track Change 3:15 PM Track Change 3:39 PM Track Change 4:15 PM Track Change 4:42 PM Track Change 5:15 PM Track Change 5:48 PM Track Change 6:25 PM Track Change 6:53 PM Track Change 7:28 PM Does not stop at Canton Junction Track Change 8:15 PM Track Change 8:55 PM Track Change 10:08 PM Track Change 10:58 PM Track Change 12:11 AM

Route 128

Parking available

5:03 AM 5:30 AM 5:58 AM 6:33 AM 6:51 AM Does not stop at Route 128 7:30 AM 8:01 AM Does not stop at Route 128 8:27 AM 9:01 AM 9:30 AM 10:04 AM 10:30 AM 11:03 AM 11:35 AM 12:02 PM 1:08 PM 1:35 PM 2:03 PM 2:30 PM 2:57 PM 3:20 PM 3:44 PM 4:20 PM 4:47 PM 5:20 PM 5:53 PM 6:30 PM 6:58 PM 7:33 PM 8:02 PM 8:20 PM 9:00 PM 10:13 PM 11:03 PM 12:16 AM


Parking available

Does not stop at Readville Does not stop at Readville Does not stop at Readville Track Change 6:37 AM Does not stop at Readville Does not stop at Readville Does not stop at Readville Does not stop at Readville Does not stop at Readville Does not stop at Readville Does not stop at Readville Does not stop at Readville Track Change 10:08 AM Does not stop at Readville Does not stop at Readville Does not stop at Readville Does not stop at Readville Does not stop at Readville Does not stop at Readville Does not stop at Readville Does not stop at Readville Does not stop at Readville Does not stop at Readville Does not stop at Readville Does not stop at Readville Track Change 4:51 PM Does not stop at Readville Does not stop at Readville Does not stop at Readville Does not stop at Readville Does not stop at Readville Track Change 8:06 PM Does not stop at Readville Does not stop at Readville Track Change 10:17 PM Does not stop at Readville Track Change 12:20 AM

Hyde Park

Parking available

Does not stop at Hyde Park 5:35 AM 6:03 AM 6:40 AM Does not stop at Hyde Park Does not stop at Hyde Park 7:35 AM Does not stop at Hyde Park Does not stop at Hyde Park 8:32 AM Does not stop at Hyde Park 9:35 AM Does not stop at Hyde Park 10:35 AM Does not stop at Hyde Park 11:40 AM 12:07 PM Does not stop at Hyde Park 1:40 PM Does not stop at Hyde Park 2:35 PM Does not stop at Hyde Park 3:25 PM Does not stop at Hyde Park 4:25 PM Does not stop at Hyde Park 5:25 PM Does not stop at Hyde Park 6:35 PM Does not stop at Hyde Park 7:38 PM Does not stop at Hyde Park 8:25 PM Does not stop at Hyde Park 10:19 PM 11:08 PM 12:22 AM


No parking

Track Change Early Departure 5:18 AM Track Change Early Departure 5:44 AM Track Change Early Departure 6:14 AM Track Change Early Departure 6:50 AM Track Change Early Departure 7:07 AM Track Change Early Departure 7:31 AM Track Change Early Departure 7:47 AM Track Change Early Departure 8:17 AM Track Change Early Departure 8:30 AM Track Change Early Departure 8:42 AM Track Change Early Departure 9:17 AM Track Change Early Departure 9:46 AM Track Change Early Departure 10:21 AM Track Change Early Departure 10:44 AM Track Change Early Departure 11:18 AM Track Change Early Departure 11:49 AM Track Change Early Departure 12:20 PM Track Change Early Departure 1:23 PM Track Change Early Departure 1:49 PM Track Change Early Departure 2:20 PM Track Change Early Departure 2:44 PM Track Change Early Departure 3:12 PM Track Change Early Departure 3:34 PM Track Change Early Departure 3:59 PM Track Change Early Departure 4:34 PM Track Change Early Departure 5:04 PM Track Change Early Departure 5:34 PM Track Change Early Departure 6:08 PM Track Change Early Departure 6:48 PM Track Change Early Departure 7:13 PM Track Change Early Departure 7:47 PM Track Change Early Departure 8:19 PM Track Change Early Departure 8:34 PM Track Change Early Departure 9:14 PM Track Change Early Departure 10:29 PM Track Change Early Departure 11:19 PM Track Change Early Departure 12:34 AM

Back Bay

No parking

Track Change Early Departure 5:22 AM Track Change Early Departure 5:48 AM Track Change Early Departure 6:18 AM Track Change Early Departure 6:54 AM Track Change Early Departure 7:11 AM Track Change Early Departure 7:35 AM Track Change Early Departure 7:51 AM Track Change Early Departure 8:21 AM Track Change Early Departure 8:34 AM Track Change Early Departure 8:46 AM Track Change Early Departure 9:21 AM Track Change Early Departure 9:50 AM Track Change Early Departure 10:25 AM Track Change Early Departure 10:48 AM Track Change Early Departure 11:22 AM Track Change Early Departure 11:53 AM Track Change Early Departure 12:24 PM Track Change Early Departure 1:27 PM Track Change Early Departure 1:53 PM Track Change Early Departure 2:24 PM Track Change Early Departure 2:48 PM Track Change Early Departure 3:16 PM Track Change Early Departure 3:38 PM Track Change Early Departure 4:03 PM Track Change Early Departure 4:38 PM Track Change Early Departure 5:08 PM Track Change Early Departure 5:38 PM Track Change Early Departure 6:12 PM Track Change Early Departure 6:52 PM Track Change Early Departure 7:17 PM Track Change Early Departure 7:51 PM Track Change Early Departure 8:23 PM Track Change Early Departure 8:38 PM Track Change Early Departure 9:18 PM Track Change Early Departure 10:33 PM Track Change Early Departure 11:23 PM Track Change Early Departure 12:38 AM

South Station

Parking available

5:28 AM 5:54 AM 6:24 AM 7:00 AM 7:17 AM 7:41 AM 7:57 AM 8:27 AM 8:40 AM 8:52 AM 9:27 AM 9:56 AM 10:30 AM 10:53 AM 11:27 AM 11:58 AM 12:29 PM 1:32 PM 1:58 PM 2:29 PM 2:53 PM 3:21 PM 3:43 PM 4:09 PM 4:44 PM 5:14 PM 5:44 PM 6:18 PM 6:58 PM 7:23 PM 7:56 PM 8:28 PM 8:43 PM 9:23 PM 10:38 PM 11:28 PM 12:43 AM
Providence/Stoughton Line | Commuter Rail (2024)


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Article information

Author: Rueben Jacobs

Last Updated:

Views: 5792

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (77 voted)

Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

Phone: +6881806848632

Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.