Advent Daily Catholic Resources | FORMED (2024)

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advent REsourceS

Rooted presents a beloved tradition in a new light.

This new 22-episode series guides Catholics through a daily Advent reflection using the Jesse Tree model traditionally practiced by families. Each seven-minute episode introduces the ancestors of Jesus Christ, shares a Scripture passage, and offers an engaging, practical reflection.

Hosted by Dr. Scott Hefelfinger, Rooted helps viewers apply the passage and related teachings to each day of Advent, guided by the Church’s teaching. Episodes begin on December 3, the First Sunday of Advent, and end on December 24, the Fourth Sunday of Advent.

Sign up for Rooted email reminders so you don't miss a day!


Drawing Closer to God prepares your family for the Messiah's coming.

Journey through Advent with the whole family! Join art teacher Ms. Kim as she teaches children to draw different scenes from the Christmas story, including the Annunciation, shepherds' visit, the Nativity scene, and more. With compelling storytelling, Ms. Kim points out key details from Scripture and Catholic tradition.

As kids follow along and learn new art skills, they also learn to see the connections between the big picture of God's story and their place within it.

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Advent FAQs

What is Advent?


Advent is the beginning of the Catholic Church's liturgical year, consisting of the first four Sundays and subsequent weekdays before Christmas. The word "Advent" comes from the Latin "adventus," which means "a coming or approach." It is a time of preparation intended to direct the Church toward the Second Coming of Christ as we also remember the Nativity of our Lord. This year, Advent begins on Sunday, December 3, and ends on Sunday, December 24.

What is an Advent wreath?


An Advent wreath is a popular Christian tradition symbolizing different aspects of the liturgical season. It is an evergreen wreath with four candles; the shape and color represent God's infinite and everlasting love for us. The four candles symbolize a different weekly theme, beginning each of the Sundays before Christmas.

What is a Jesse Tree?


Taken from the genealogy of Christ in the Gospel of Matthew, a Jesse Tree represents the family of Jesse, the father of David. Made from paper, cloth, or a Christmas tree, families often make or add an ornament each day depicting one of the ancestors of Jesus Christ. The origin of Advent traditions like the Jesse Tree stems from centuries-old traditions.

What are the "O" Antiphons?


From December 17 through Christmas Day, the “O” Antiphons are special antiphons traditionally sung during Evening Prayer. Referencing Old Testament passages that speak of the anticipated messiah, they announce the coming birth of Jesus and renew our hope during this season.

What is Gaudete Sunday?


Taken from the Latin word for “rejoice,” Gaudete Sunday is the third Sunday of Advent. As the Christmas season draws closer, this Sunday reminds us of the joyful nature of Christ’s coming.

What should I pray with during Advent?


Prayers centering on joy and hope are perfect for the Advent season. Ideas include specific Advent devotionals or Advent readings, meditating with passages like Luke 1:34-38 or Isaiah 40:3, singing the “O” Antiphons, and praying novenas or prayers like the Acts of Faith, Hope, and Love. Other passages from different books of the Bible include Luke 1:26-2:20, Isaiah 9:6-7, Isaiah 40:3, Amos 9:11-13, and the Acts of the Apostles. Meditating with figures like St. John the Baptist, the shepherds at the Nativity scene, and other biblical characters can also aid us in preparing the way for the Messiah.

What can I do to celebrate Advent?


Many modern Advent traditions come from devotions Christians have practiced for centuries. For example, you can celebrate Advent through special prayers and novenas, reading spiritual books, having an Advent wreath or Jesse Tree at home, singing the "O” Antiphons, or taking other steps to spiritually prepare for the birth of Baby Jesus.

What are the different Advent colors, and what do they mean?


The color of the Advent candle lit each Sunday of Advent represents a different theme. Whereas Easter Sunday uses a white candle, during the Advent season purple is the primary color used, symbolizing preparation and repentance. The rose candle is lit on the Third Sunday of Advent to illustrate the joyful, anticipatory nature of the season.

What are the different Advent themes, and what do they mean?


The four themes are hope, peace, joy, and love for each week of Advent, respectively. These themes reveal the Church's preparation for Christmas as we direct our hearts and minds to Christ’s coming, similar to how Ash Wednesday and Holy Week help us to more fully enter into Lent and ready ourselves for the eventual joy of Easter Sunday.

What are other people watching leading up to Christmas?

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"I enjoyed Catholic All Year so much! Thank you for sharing your family traditions with us all.”

– Misty G.


“Very well done! Bravo. Thank you for this priceless
gift you have given
that has brought back childhood memories of the first time I learned of the Little Flower!”

–Joanna L.

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“Thank you for this amazing
video. I never thought I would
see the place where the Annunciation took place and the location where the Holy Family found shelter.”

–Ahahi F.

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Advent Daily Catholic Resources | FORMED (2024)


What are Advent Catholic answers? ›

Not so much for the birth of Christ, but rather for something yet to come. Advent means “coming” or “arrival.” It is the season preceding Christmas, encompassing at least the four Sundays prior to December 25.

What is the most important message of Advent? ›

In the context of the Christian faith, it represents our celebration of the first coming of Christ and our anticipation of his second coming. The birth of the Messiah was promised in the Old Testament and was anticipated by God's people for a very long time.

What prayer is not said during Advent? ›

Many Catholics have noticed that the Gloria is not recited at Masses during Advent or Lent.

Why is Gloria not sung during Advent? ›

John the Baptist called the Jews as they awaited the arrival of the Messiah. Because the Gloria is a prayer of joy, it is suppressed during Advent and is not heard until the vigil Mass of Christmas Eve.

What are the 4 themes of Advent in order Catholic? ›

Other variations of the themes celebrated on each of the four Sundays include: The Prophets' Candle, symbolizing hope; the Bethlehem Candle, symbolizing faith; the Shepherds' Candle, symbolizing joy; the Angel's Candle, symbolizing peace. Hope–Love–Joy–Peace.

Why is Alleluia omitted during Advent? ›

In order to emphasize the penitential nature of that journey, the Catholic Church, during Lent, removes the Alleluia from the Mass. We no longer sing with the choirs of angels; instead, we acknowledge our sins and practice repentance so that one day we may again have the privilege of worshiping God as the angels do.

What three things does Advent prepare us for? ›

It is simply that Advent calls to mind three “comings” of Christ: the first in history, the second now, and the third at the end of time.

What are the three lessons in Advent? ›

The readings for the final Sunday of Advent present us with three essential lessons. First, in the Biblical perspective, great things come from the small; second, never ever give up hope; and third, trust always in the power of God. These are the lessons of Micah, Elizabeth, and Mary.

What is the true purpose of Advent? ›

Advent is the beginning of the spiritual year for these churches, and it's observed the four Sundays before Christmas Day. Spiritually, it's meant as a celebration of the Earthly birth of Jesus around 2,000 years ago but also a preparation and anticipation for the second coming of Christ.

What Advent teaches us? ›

In these challenging times, Advent teaches us (just as it has for thousands of believers before us) the value of patience, hope, and faith. It's a season that encourages us to hold on to our faith in Christ Jesus that, even in the darkest of moments, we have the victory over the troubles of this world in Him.

What is the most important candle in Advent? ›

The first candle symbolizes a shining light in anticipation of the coming of Christ. It is usually a purple candle and can be called the Prophecy Candle. It represents God's forgiveness of man's sins. Purple is traditionally the most important of the Advent candle colors.

What is the moral of Advent? ›

Advent is a time to embrace living “between the times.” Advent reminds us that we live in an “in-between time”: that is, between the flesh-and-blood incarnation of Jesus Christ into the world in a particular time and place, and the second coming of the Lord and King Jesus Christ in power and glory.

What does Advent mean to Catholics? ›

For Western Christians of the Catholic and Lutheran traditions, Advent signifies preparation for a threefold coming of Christ: firstly in the Incarnation at Bethlehem, then in a perpetual sacramental presence in the Eucharist, and thirdly at his Second Coming and final judgement.

What are the 4 themes of Advent Catholic? ›

The most common Advent themes are hope, peace, joy, and love. Some traditions include lighting a different candle on a wreath each Sunday of Advent and reflecting a different theme.

How do you explain what Advent is? ›

Advent, (from Latin adventus, “coming”), in the Christian church calendar, the period of preparation for the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ at Christmas and also of preparation for the Second Coming of Christ. In Western churches, Advent begins on the Sunday nearest to November 30 (St.


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Author: Pres. Carey Rath

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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

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Job: National Technology Representative

Hobby: Sand art, Drama, Web surfing, Cycling, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Leather crafting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.