50 Creative Instagram Story Poll Ideas to Engage Your Followers | OFFEO (2024)

Listen up because your life and engagement rates are about to change if you still need to start using Instagram poll stickers on your IG stories.

Because they allow your followers to participate and answer your stories, Instagram polls are a great way to increase engagement on your Instagram stories.

As it turns out, asking questions is the most effective Instagram marketing strategy to boost engagement!

You can discover more about your followers' interests and what they want to see from you by surveying them.

Instagram polls are an excellent method to get their attention and jump in since 58% of Instagram users claim they are more interested in a company or product after seeing it in their Stories.

Scroll through this step-by-step tutorial for Instagram Story poll ideas!

What are Instagram Story Polls?

Instagram stories' interactive sticker is where you will find polls.

The Instagram poll sticker provides space for a single question, with two possible responses ('Yes' or 'No' by default). You can view the poll results as soon as votes are submitted.

Using an Instagram Story poll has three main benefits for social media marketing firms.

First, as a type of interactive content, an Instagram poll can capture the interest of your client's ideal readers.

And depending on the nature of your inquiry, they can be loads of fun to respond to.

Secondly, polls are a great way to obtain feedback from your target demographic.

Finally, you are not limited to only images when making polls; you may include any content you like. A client's most popular Instagram video, feed posts, etc., can all benefit from a poll.

4 Top Tips for Asking Instagram Poll Questions in 2022

Keep the following in mind if you want to get the most out of your Instagram polls.

1. Add Teasers (for Polls with a Correct Answer)

Using Instagram polls to drive traffic to your or your client's website is a great idea. Sticking a link sticker in with a message like "tap here for the answer!" that directs people to your or your client's website content is a great idea.

2. Use Quizzes and Emoji Slider Polls

Emoji sliding scale polls are a fun way to get a wide range of answers from your Instagram followers.

In addition, polls are very flexible. The emojis are customizable; you can edit the question and add various stickers and text.

3. Let Them Pick What's Better

Let your target audience choose between products you promote or anything random that you can use to market your or your client's website.

For example, if you or your client just released two variants of the same product, you can ask your audience which one they prefer.

4. Time Your Polls Wisely

Select a period when there is often the highest engagement to increase the visibility of your poll.

For instance, if you notice frequent user interactions on specific days and times, such as Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, publish stories between 11 AM and 12 PM or at other specific times when your audience is most active.

Just remember to evaluate user interaction and adjust your posting frequency over time.

Why Does Instagram Polls Matter?

50 Creative Instagram Story Poll Ideas to Engage Your Followers | OFFEO (1)

It was a big deal when Instagram Stories got a polling feature in October 2017. In addition to videos, photographs, similar emojis, and location tags, the app allows you to add Instagram poll stickers to your stories.

Using a poll, you can put a question to your followers and see the responses roll in as they come in. They are an exciting method of getting to know your clients and their tastes.

Instagram polls boost participation because polls are a great way to get your followers involved with the content you post. Polls determine what people think about things like product ideas and event concepts.

One need not be technically inclined to make use of them. Creating an Instagram poll and embedding it into your narrative is quick and easy.

Including an Instagram poll sticker in your Stories is a fun way to interact with your audience.

Common Instagram Poll Formats

There are immense possibilities you can uncover through polling. Although any question is fair game, some will get more responses than others.

Let's explore some of the most effective Instagram poll ideas and samples:

Yes or No

Use a basic Yes/No poll to keep things straightforward. When you first insert a poll into your narrative, the only options are "Yes" and "No."

Such polls help gauge a target demographic's interest in a topic or product.

This or That

A This or That poll is a great tool to get people thinking and narrowing down their options. You might compare and contrast two items in an ad campaign or use it to learn more about the competition.

Would You Rather

If you ask your followers a "Would You Rather?" question, they have to choose between two options. Because they are lighthearted and encourage your followers to use their creativity, these polls are sure to get a lot of attention. Write simple scenarios!

Emoji Slider

Try out a different poll using an emoji slider, often known as a reaction sticker. Unlike the Poll sticker, the Emoji Slider is found in the Stickers menu.

Your audience can express their interest in a topic by sliding the "love eyes" emoji along a scale that indicates how much they like it.

Use an emoji that your audience will immediately associate with your company in place of the "heart eyes" emoji for a more branded experience.

50 Instagram Poll Ideas: Questions for Instagram Stories

You can boost your Instagram Stories engagement and audience entertainment using various poll questions.

We have 50 great question examples ready if you want original or engaging poll questions. Take a look at the following options and choose the ones that work best for your Instagram company or blog page.

Brief 'Yes/No' Questions Poll Instagram Questions

  1. Do you agree? Answer: Yes / No
  2. Do you like this? Answer: Yes / No
  3. Would you wear that? Answer: Yes / No
  4. Would you buy this? Answer: Yes / No
  5. Do you want to be famous? Answer: Yes / No
  6. Do people need to trust you before they buy from you? Answer: Yes, for sure! / Nope!
  7. Should we do this? Answer: Yes / No
  8. Do you want to have your brand? Answer: Yes, please! / No
  9. Would you join us? Answer: Yes / No
  10. Is it necessary to brand yourself with specific colors? Answer: Yes, it's essential / No, it's not
  11. Do you want to lose weight? Answer: Yes / No, I'm good
  12. Would you like to learn more about mindset & personal development? Answer: YES / No, thanks
  13. Do you need help with marketing or social media? Answer: Yes / No
  14. Want to join our latest webinar? Answer: Yes / No
  15. Is it necessary to post on Social Media every day? A) Definitely, yes! B) No
  16. Is Email Marketing essential for online businesses? Answer: It sure is! / No, waste of time
  17. Do you like this outfit? Answer: Yes / No
  18. Have you read this book? Answer: Yeap / No. I haven't heard about it

'Would You Rather' Poll Instagram Questions

  1. Would you rather get: $1M right now / $150,000/yearly
  2. Would you rather have a vacation on Island / Big city
  3. Would you rather see: Your future / Your past
  4. Would you rather: Be free / Be rich
  5. Would you rather: Read minds / Be invisible
  6. Would you rather speak: To animals / Multiple languages
  7. Would you rather be: a man / a woman

Understanding Your Followers' Preferences

  1. What do you think of this green shirt? Answer: Love / Hate
  2. How do you feel about …? Answer: Awesome / Not bad
  3. Should we add beef to our menu? Answer: Go / No
  4. How do you like this dress color? Answer: Stunning! / Boring
  5. Which one do you prefer? Answer: Brand 1 / Brand 2
  6. Which do you like more? Answer: Right / Left
  7. Which color is better? Answer: Mint / Purple
  8. Which one is your favorite? Answer: 1/ 2
  9. Do you prefer? Answer: TikTok / Instagram
  10. What's more important for you? Answer: Brand / Price
  11. Do you own a car? Answer: Yes / No
  12. Can you swim? Answer: Yes / No
  13. Have you ever surfed? Answer: Yes / No
  14. Have you been to (place or event)? Answer: Yes / No

'Your Favourite' Poll Instagram Questions

  1. You wish to have a… A) Cat B) Dog C) Parrot
  2. What's your favorite travel destination? A) Forest B) Mountains C) Ocean
  3. What's your favorite holiday? A) Valentine's Day B) Thanksgiving C) Christmas
  4. What's your favorite ice cream flavor? A) Vanilla B) Chocolate D) Strawberry
  5. What's your favorite hot drink? A) Latte B) Mint tea C) Hot chocolate
  6. Are you a… A) Morning person B) Night person
  7. What do you prefer to watch? A) TV B) YouTube c) Netflix
  8. What kind of workout do you prefer? A) Cardio B) Gym C) Fitness
  9. Which interior design style do you prefer? A) Modern B) Bohemian C) Minimalistic
  10. What is Your favorite go-to weekend activity? A) Hiking B) Relaxing in bed C) Clubbing
  11. What would you wear on a date? A) Mini B) Jeans C) Low-cut dress

Best Instagram Poll Questions for Generating User Engagement in 2022

50 Creative Instagram Story Poll Ideas to Engage Your Followers | OFFEO (2)

Let's start with some funny Instagram poll questions you may use anytime.

These delightful inquiries are an excellent way to understand your loyal audience better. Continue reading and have some fun with these suggestions because they are also funny things to comment on Instagram posts.

  • Which superhero would you rather be in real life?

Asking them to choose between two well-known superheroes will help you learn how the qualities of your client's product correspond to the superpowers that go with each character. You can then use this knowledge in future communications. If "they selected the Flash," explain how your client can assist their audience in obtaining quick outcomes.

  • How focused are you?

Ask this question to generate interest and catch the audience off guard. Some potential responses are: A) Very focused, B) Rarely focused, or C) The background image is excellent.

  • Which celebrity would make a …?

Consider a few famous people who could play the roles of a vampire, werewolf, or immortal.

  • Would you rather have this or that?

Consider two equally satisfying things, and make the audience decide which to choose. "Would you want to receive $50,000 per month or $50 million right now?" is a nice illustration.

  • Do you like pineapple on pizza?

Some topics, like topping pizza with pineapple, separate individuals into opposing camps, typically leading to spirited, in-depth discussions.

Best Instagram Poll Questions for Your Client's Marketing Campaigns In 2022

The best questions for Instagram Stories are not always funny. They may be asked only to assist your clients in updating their Instagram marketing plans.

  • What should we talk about next?

Ask your customer's followers which of two themes they should blog about next. To increase reach, remember to share the post via the Instagram app.

  • How much do you love our product?

Use an emoji slider to ask followers to score their satisfaction with a client's goods or services. You can get customer feedback from this short Story post that customers can utilize to make future improvements.

  • When do you check Instagram?

Inquire about your client's followers and whether they prefer to check Instagram in the morning or at night.

  • Would you rather connect via email, live chat, or phone call?

Allow the audience for your client to express their preferred method of communication. B2B and B2C clients can benefit from this in terms of market research, lead generation, and customer service.

  • What should we do next?

Decide which of two items on your client's product roadmap should be completed by presenting them to your client's audience.

This enables clients to enhance user experience and demonstrates to followers that the brand is responsive to customer input.

Best Instagram Poll Questions for Real Estate Clients in 2022

50 Creative Instagram Story Poll Ideas to Engage Your Followers | OFFEO (3)

Here are some poll questions that can assist your agency's real estate clients to raise awareness and increase engagement.

  • Would you live here for a month for $10,000?

Show a neglected residence to your client's followers and request that they move in exchange for a prize. Who are you taking with you if you have to stay here for ten days without supplies? This is another way to phrase this question.

  • Which interior/exterior do you prefer?

Have the audience for your customer choose between two options for the external or interior design style they prefer. This will not only assist real estate clients in providing better service, but it will also assist them in honing their content ideas for their Instagram marketing plan.

  • This property only costs $20,000: True or False?

Post about the most remarkable and economical job your customer has completed, and let followers guess the cost.

  • Wood flooring or carpet?

To assist customers in determining which of two options is more popular, create an Instagram Story poll question. They can make similar inquiries about lighting, yard decorations, door finishes, etc.

  • What is more important when buying a new home?

Using polls, real estate firms may quickly learn what qualities prospective house buyers value.

Best Instagram Poll Questions for Fashion Clients in 2022

Most fashion brands must establish an Instagram presence. The ideas for Instagram polls that agencies can utilize are listed below.

  • Who rocked it better?

Your client's fans can compare two influencers or celebrities who wore the same outfit and decide who rocked it better.

  • Wear or tear?

Ask the audience if they want to wear or destroy your fashion client's most distinctive clothing.

  • Left or right?

Show the audience two wardrobe suggestions from your customer and ask them to vote for their favorite. You can use this poll concept to compare entire outfits or specific items, like shoes or shirts.

  • Color choices

You can invite the fans of your fashion client to choose between two variations of the same item.

  • Would you buy this?

Look for unique, oddball clothing or accessories and determine if your client's followers will buy them.

Best Instagram Poll Questions for Food Clients in 2022

50 Creative Instagram Story Poll Ideas to Engage Your Followers | OFFEO (4)

Foodies and Instagram have a lovely, long history together. Consider the following Instagram poll questions for your food clients or your business:

  • Where would you take your business clients to lunch/dinner?

Find out where the Instagram audience would take someone for lunch or dinner.

  • Which restaurant should I visit next?

You can let your audience or food vlogger clients choose which restaurant to review next based on votes from their Instagram followers.

  • Would you eat this?

Look for your client's wackiest culinary exploits and entice their followers to attempt them.

  • You have 5 minutes to finish this with a person. Who are you taking?

Ask followers whether they can consume the absurdly large amount of food in the photo with someone within the allotted time.

  • Yum or yuck?

Find out if the Instagram followers of your client find a particular cuisine delicious.

  • One has to go

Show two items from your client's menu to their audience and ask which one they can live without if your client is a restaurant.

Best Instagram Poll Questions for Health Clients In 2022

Instagram users are very interested in the health niche, which covers exercise, diets, and home treatments. Here are some poll questions for customers in this niche:

  • How many glasses of water do you drink a day?

Ask your client's followers to use an emoji slider to share how many glasses of water they consume daily.

  • Would you rather exercise or change your diet?

Find out if your client's followers would rather lose weight by exercising or changing their diet. In the future, this can assist your health client in increasing interaction with their material.

  • How many hours of sleep do you get?

Use an emoji slider to allow your client's audience to share how much sleep they receive.

  • Diet A vs. Diet B?

Compare two well-known diets, then let followers decide which one they like to follow. Additionally, you can contrast diet supplements, exercise plans, and other things.

  • How stressed are you?

Ask the Instagram followers of your customer to rate their degree of stress using the poll sticker icon or emoji scale slider.

Best Instagram Poll Questions for Tech Clients in 2022

Tech Polls can be used by Instagram influencers, brands, and blogs to learn what their followers think about particular topics.

To assist them in doing this, consider using some of the poll question concepts below:

  • Would you upgrade to the …?

Use polls to determine whether the audience of your client, who covers the newest technology in their sector, will upgrade to the new product.

  • Product A vs. Product B

Tech industry Instagram users enjoy comparing. So, you should give them a platform for their opinions by using a poll.

  • Would you rock this …?

There is always room for options in the tech sector, whether phone cases, personalized keyboards, or gaming sets. Ask them a few questions to see which answers stand out.

  • Battle of flagships

Find out which premium brand's flagship product your client's customers would prefer by polling them.

  • Do you use this tech feature?

You can conduct polls to determine how many of your client's followers use technological advancements like HDR, high refresh rates, and wireless charging.

Best Instagram Poll Questions for Travel Clients In 2022

50 Creative Instagram Story Poll Ideas to Engage Your Followers | OFFEO (5)

Here are five Instagram poll ideas businesses may use to engage clients interested in productivity, personal finance, and personal growth.

  • Will you attend this event?

You can use polls to estimate how many people will attend seminars and speaking engagements.

  • What's your go-to motivation source?

Let your client's audience decide between coffee, reading, or exercise.

  • Do you turn music on or off for productivity?

If the bulk of the responses is "Yes," you can publish playlists to increase productivity.

  • Investment A or Investment B?

You can conduct a poll where participants can choose between two or more investment options for their finance clients.

  • How often do you read books?

Consider arranging for additional book-related material on your client's Instagram accounts if their followers are avid readers.

Best Instagram Poll Questions for Beauty Clients in 2022

For your beauty clients' convenience, here are some Instagram poll questions.

  • Long hair or short hair?

You might ask your audience whether they prefer long or short hair for your clients who are beauty enthusiasts.

  • Would you rather have good hair or good eyebrows?

You can use polls to determine which of two topics is more significant to the audience in the beauty niche.

  • Cold or hot showers?

Simple poll questions can aid Instagram accounts for beauty brands in learning more about their followers.

  • Do you sleep with makeup on?

If the audience responds positively, you can write content with advice on how to remove makeup quickly.

  • Do you use the same products?

Your customer could or might not have to start discussing new products from various manufacturers depending on the audience's response.

FAQs: Instagram Story Poll Ideas

Are polls good for engagement?

Because they allow your followers to participate in your posts, Instagram polls are a fun and amazing way to increase engagement on your Instagram stories. As it turns out, asking questions is the most effective Instagram engagement tactic!

Are Instagram polls anonymous in 2022?

No, polls on Instagram are not anonymous. Users who took part in the poll and their responses will be visible to the user who created it.

Can you do a poll with 3 options on Instagram?

Yes! You can use the quiz sticker instead of the standard poll sticker to create polls with three or more options.

How do I do a poll on Instagram?

Follow these steps to create your Instagram poll:

  1. Open Instagram.
  2. Make a new story.
  3. Choose among stickers icon and add the poll.
  4. Enter your query and any potential responses in the text box.

Conclusion: Instagram Story Poll Ideas

You cannot go wrong when making a poll for an Instagram story as long as you are willing to think outside the box.

Polls are a fun and interactive way to grab your followers' attention and gauge interest and opinions. Try these out the next time you seek feedback from your follower base, whether for you or your client's business.

Get an Instagram poll idea and create content from current events if you want more engagement. Be a good example and encourage social responsibility in creative ways.

50 Creative Instagram Story Poll Ideas to Engage Your Followers | OFFEO (2024)


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Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

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Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.